Sunday, January 28, 2007

Connecting the Dots

I woke up in the morning
And saw my self in the mirror
Then saw my face
Oh my eyes
They looked kind of swollen
May be I inhaled some dust particles
That bound to the receptors on my cells
Aroused my neutrophils
Where all the proteins
That can talk to each other
Interacted and sent the signal
To produce the edema

I told about the edema to her
Who told her friends
And they told others
And lately every one
In our community knows about it

Now I am afraid
That it will spread to all people in our state
Or even to the whole country
And may be to the whole continent
And every one in the world
Will talk about it in the chat rooms.

In the evening
I gazed to the sky
And thought about
My little abode earth
Serenading the sun in the Milky Way
And galaxies and galaxies
Make up the constellations
One after another
As if there is no end
To this cycle of creation or destruction

I am in the middle of
This manifestation of being alive
From the unfathomable vast universe
To the atoms in the micromolecules
All in order
All in place to do the right thing at the right time
(most of the time)

Every thing appears
as if made to precision
By some one
Or by some thing
Or by some force
Larger than the universe
But smaller than an atomic particle.

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